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Trier for All

Other restroom facilities (barrier-free)

We are happy to assist you in advance with your plans for your trip to Trier with our notice on the restrooms for the disabled in the Trier inner city.
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Preview Photo: sevenke/shutterstock.com

Sonstige Toiletten (behindertengerecht)

City-Parkhaus parking garage
Zuckerbergstrasse 31
54290 Trier
Use during parking opening hours (accessible by lift)

Parkhaus Basilika parking garage
Mustorstraße 10
54290 Trier
Use during parking opening hours (accessible by lift)

Parkhaus Konstantin parking garage
Konstantinstrasse 7
54290 Trier
Use during parking opening hours (accessible by lift)

Parkhaus Viehmarkt (Forum Baths) parking garage
Viehmarktplatz 1
54290 Trier
Use during parking opening hours (accessible by lift)

Parkhaus Plaza Carrée parking garage
Am Frankenturm 2
54290 Trier
Parking garage open 24 hours a day - toilet is always accessible without a key. It is located on the parking level 1 (exit Frankenturm) and is accessible by lift

Cathedral Information (Dominformation)
Liebfrauenstraße 12
54290 Trier

Trier Galerie
Fleischstraße 62
54290 Trier
Use during opening hours