Karl Marx Statue - © ttm
Trier for All

Digital - How Wine Made Karl Marx a Communist

Digital tour on the traces of Karl Marx

Did you know that family Marx owned vineyards, what Karl thought about teetotallers, and how the hardships of the Moselle wine-growers made him care about economical questions for the first time?
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"How Wine made Karl Marx a Communist" is about less known facets of Marx's life and works: We get to know the philosopher as a vineyard-owner and as a struggler for the Moselle wine-growers. In addition there will be excurses on his excesses, anecdotes from his everyday life and more severe words on the suffering of the Moselle inhabitants.
Information about accessibility


Tour guide:
Dr. Kathrin Baumeister / Jens Baumeister

Microsoft Teams, other platforms by arrangement

German, English

90 minutes

170 EUR in German / 180 EUR in English

Group size:
max. 30 people


Trier Tourismus und Marketing GmbH
Tourist-Information next to the Porta Nigra
Guided Tours

Simeonstraße 60
54290 Trier

Tel. +49 (0)651 97808 -52, -21, -20
E-Mail fuehrungen@trier-info.de

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