- © Matej Kastelic/shutterstock.com
Trier for All


From the Trier Arena to the Electoral Palace, from the Europa Hall to the Porta Nigra. Everything is more or less a stone's throw away and easily accessible on foot.
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But the best of all is that in Trier history itself has designed your supporting program.
Roman event tours with gladiators and tribunes, multi-medium space theater, and gala dinners in Roman baths: Living history where history lives!

Header: Matej Kastelic/shutterstock.com

Our service for you

Free consultation, ideas, and planning discussions for your conference.
The best contacts and networks to all the city's service providers.
  • Impartial assistance in the search for a suitable conference venue
  • Support for advertising Trier as the conference location
  • Free management of room allocation
  • Budget planning
  • Planning for exhibits and floor space
  • Drawing up conference package offers
  • Catering offers
  • Planning, organizing, and booking a supporting program of your choice
  • Providing information and picture material about Trier and gift ideas for your participants
  • Local project management with only one contact partner during your stay!

Hotel contingents

We are also happy to assist you in finding suitable accommodations. Therefore we support you with the following:
  • Advice on accommodation options
  • Search for suitable accommodations
  • Compilation of a room contingent
  • Management of the room contingent

The administration of the room contingent over the ttm GmbH could look for you as follows:
The Trier Tourismus & Marketing GmbH books hotel contingents in various hotel categories according to your order and information (room offers are agreed upon with you in advance) and becomes the partner of the hotels.
In all publications of your conference (invitation, registration form, Internet ...) reference is made to the "hotel reservation" on the ttm GmbH. That is, the eligible hotels are listed by name and price. You will receive a booking link from us, through which the participants can book their rooms. The booking of the individual rooms of the contingent is only possible through us, ttm GmbH, unless otherwise agreed. Special hotel requests can be asked directly to us.
The participants will receive a booking confirmation from us.

For all participants and of course for you as the organizer, this service is professional and free.


Trier Tourismus und Marketing GmbH
Lisa Forens / Antje Kruft
Sichelstraße 34-36
54290 Trier

Tel. +49 (0)651 97808-44 / -16
E-Mail kongresse@trier-info.de